Lucky patched blocked

Hello,  more and more apps every day refuses to install or launch because of lucky patcher being detected.  I've already posted about audio evolution (no response whatsoever, as usual on this forum apparently), music editor app, that won't launch if lucky has modded the play store, now there's m365 tools that detects it... it's getting bad. Will you address this problem? Will I finally get an answer from someone?

Thanks, really appreciate your app. 

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dulume replied
4 Years
Hi snmwds, 

Thanks for the answer.  So I have root and I have xposed with the hide option enabled,  but it didn't work with two apps I'm taking about,  namely Audio Evolution and m365. Audio Evolution detects that the play store was tempered and therefore blocks the launch of the software.  I know it because it displays a dialog saying so... I precise btw that this is an app for which I have a paid licence. Ironic.  The second app would but when I go in the store within the app a dialog appears saying that lucky was detected and that therefore purchases were blocked. 

I hope this clarifies the issues I'm having. 


snwmds replied
4 Years

  • Lucky Patcher offers its own ways to prevent detection by other apps.

If you have Xposed installed on your device, use the "Hide Lucky Patcher" option in the Lucky Patcher's Xposed menu.

Of course, if you don't have root, Lucky Patcher will work in a limited mode.

Reasons why questions aren't often answered

Same or repeated content

The questions asked here are almost always the same. "I can't hack it", "Lucky Patcher can't bypass InApp billing of my app", "Lucky Patcher isn't working as expected".

The developer has written some FAQs which, by themselves, already answer most of these questions asked by users. If users paid more attention to it, they would not have to keep asking repeated questions all the time.

Simple problems

Besides being repeated, the problems reported by users are very simple and obvious too. These are usually issues related to a specific application or the like.

Lack of details

When users report bugs or other Lucky Patcher issues, they do not provide any technical details or logs that make it possible to find out what caused the problem. Usually them just say: "Lucky Patcher is not working on my device". How can we help them if they don't provide any details?
