REQUEST TO CREATE CUSTOM PATCH FOR: Youtube Music background playback and audio only mode

Hi everyone, i'd love it if someone could update the youtube music background patch to work on current versions of the app. Patching out ads seems to work with luckypatcher right now, so i think it's good on ads, doesn't need a custom patch.  Audio only mode would also be great to have a custom patch for. Thank you so much for your hard work guys! If anyone knows how to manually patch that i'll be happy to try it out.

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dgunn replied
5 Years
Use "YouTube Vanced" . It's already modded with your favorite features nayan
Yes use Vanced. Very well put together and it includes dark theme in new updates. 
vaine4 replied
5 Years

Hi, if you achieve to create this patch, please share it :3

I search a lot on internet to get background playbak for youtube **music** but no result :frowning:

Good luck :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

royal_jane replied
5 Years
My suggestion is to create patch yourself , download old version of apk and working patch , now search those pattern in dex in ida and note down the function where the pattern found and try to change original byte into replaced byte in ida and see the difference , now download latest apk and search for function and try to change accordingly and create your patch . It really not that hard , although it include othes patch but u can learn a lot .
nayan replied
5 Years
Use "YouTube Vanced" . It's already modded with your favorite features