Blinkist subscription extender

Dear all mighty patchers and hackers,

My ex taught me about this beautiful patching community and how to do these things back in the day. So here i am making my 1st post!

I am here with a tiny, huge request that no1 has had anywhere in the internets. 

The book reading platform Blinkist has a very expensive yearly subscription which I would like to have the opportunity to extend but without draining my account. 

I had paid for a year and now got a bit over a month left but have plenty of books i need to finish, all of which are downloaded on my phone. 

However, when my subscribtion ends, my access to my books will be terminated. 

Is it possible to create a patch that basically stops blinkist from terminating my downloaded book access once the subscription has ended? 

Thank you so so much! 

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alienphoenix444 replied
4 Years
Anything guys? 