A letter to developers

Hello. i really want to report this to the devs of LP. but idk the mail address. so i decide to post it here. i hope it will make any difference.

dear chelpus. your Lucky Patcher is so useful for me. it help me play full game without pay at all. but lately i found some really great games with iap that can't be cracked at all.

Opus: Rocket of whisper is one of the best adventure games for android since last year.

yet the full game need to be unlocked with iap. but lp have trouble with iap in this game.

after i patched it with LP. the LP iap crack dialog box won't show with or without internet connection. so i don't know if it work or not.while the cracked version apk of the game from sbenny.comv2.5.0 that corporate with lp, is not work anymore with latest lucky patcher v6xxx and up. please make lp work for this game. i really want to play the full game.

other great games: Evil Factory, Mojin: immortal seal, refuse the lp patch with 0,0% result.

And there is recently released games like Triglav and Vampire's Fall: Origins that can't be played unless downloaded from google play store. looks like it need new version of google play mod. since many protected games need newest version of gp mod for it to be playable. so please renew your gp mod too.

because i prefer download apk outside of gp. like apkpure. we can resume the apk download. without worried failed to install. coz the apk is saved to sdcard.

 please Chelpus. help me. fix all the bugs.

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david911 replied
5 Years
Thank you so much for replying this. Dev. Is an honour.

I haved tried to download the latest gp mod. 11.8..... but the download link that appear is v 10.7..... please fix the link. Thank so much for all your efforts. You're awesome!

chelpus replied
5 Years

Lucky Patcher is automate tool. For developer very easy make protect from lp. This you see in the games you listed.

 I cannot crack all apps from GP. Specific games can be hacked by custom patches for some crackers. I not have free time for crack game. I'm only improving the emulation mechanism when it changes to GP. Mod GP now is last to last lucky patcher. Error installing applications from the GP, this is an error firmware, which does not make all the rights for the GP. You must grant the GP all the permissions in the settings.
