Where's the Source Code? Where's the Developers? Where's an official Instant Chat server?

Active 2 Replies 955 Views 2020-10-29 00:04:18 Questions
Lucky patcher is starting to feel sus.

The patches don't seem to be updated, not many new submissions, forum topics not being answered by offical staff.

I just wish there was more discussion between the users and the devs. New ideas. Fixing old issues. Adding quality of life adjustments.

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rypedub replied
3 Years
honestly what's excess of rooting phone and someone cannot patched android meaning rooting is useless mato1234
Well to be perfectly honest, everyone should already know that only local side / client side coding functions are the only ones that can be patched for like free in app purchases or whatever.

Most apps today use a server sided verification for things. Unless you're going to reverse engineer that extra layer of security and add in things to prevent you being detected, nothing will ever patch the apps.

So like people should stop focusing on the free / piracy aspect of lucky patcher.

Let's make some quality modifications to how apps functions. Add more menus. More options. More features. 

mato1234 replied
3 Years
honestly what's excess of rooting phone and someone cannot patched android meaning rooting is useless