Pppoker In app purchases

Active 2 Replies 431 Views 2019-02-17 17:04:25 Questions
I was wondering if anyone is able to get in app purchases for this app? I’ve tried but can’t getit to work but I’ts the first time using LP and I’m not sure if I’m doing it right 

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danepetty5 replied
5 Years
Thanks for the comment! If anyone is able to make a patch/mod for diamonds on pppoker I am more than happy to pay!
luckyone replied
5 Years

If you happened to get a popup ingame by lucky patcher and clicked yes, you are probably doing it right. But - have you read the faq? https://www.luckypatchers.com/faq/ (3.) That game as most others is online based. Basic rule: If a game requires you to be online (at least to buy things), it most likely won't work. Only patches/mods (like to increase instead decrease gems) would work in that case (if that is not taken care of too). If none of those options are available try another game where those work.
