Plans for any new patches for free inapp purchases?

Active 3 Replies 1.0K Views 2018-10-27 15:49:40 Questions
I've noticed that many, if not most apps on the play store at this point do not work with any of the current methods for inapp purchase emulation. Is it possible that you will make a new patching method in the future that can get around this? We shouldn't be expected to pay hundreds of dollars on a mobile game just for the sake of progression.

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beastemperor replied
5 Years

I agree:weary:

royal_jane replied
5 Years
lp engine is pefect for at this time's implementation of iap of most of app , new app only add more and more server side check or code hiding by obfuscator and packer , xposed emulation is always better than root method , suggest u to use that , personnaly i prefer jasi patcher for per app xposed emulation
watteri replied
5 Years

Sadly, I've noticed exactly same thing and I also hope that you'll make a way to get around this.
