About resign after to make buys "InApp"

Active 3 Replies 610 Views 2018-08-06 01:13:31 Questions
Hi, Guys!

I want to know about resign, because after we made the Emulation Lvl, has it option of resign, however i do not know if is, really, necessary to make it. So, the question is:is necessary or not necessary to make this? And to that serve?

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curi replied
5 Years
Please, reply-me!! Thanks, guy!

curi replied
5 Years

My question is in knowing how lucky the patcher actually works! Does it make a change to some class or part of the application or game code by removing, therefore, the part of the code where the "pay" is "written"?

shealtiel replied
5 Years
I don't understand your question? Please be clear! 